Use of Software Defined Networks to Enhance the Security of the Internet of Things

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1 Faculty of Computer Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 Potsdam university/ Yazd university


Promoting security and maintaining privacy policies is one of the most important demands in all areas, including the Internet and its specific aspects, such as the Internet of Things (IoT). To achieve this, several solutions have been proposed. In this article, we show how to get valuable results on the Internet using software defined networks (SDN). In this regard, I will first review the concepts of IoT and SDN, and then we'll come up with a way to integrate the IoT and SDN so that we can quickly identify and discontinue threatening attacks and unsecured connections. Meanwhile, we put such an attacker on a blacklist so that they will not be allowed to connect in the future. To evaluate the operation of the proposed method, we need several objects connected to the Internet of objects and an active software network. Theoretical analysis suggests that the impact of this approach on network readiness against attacking the data of devices connected to the Internet of objects and overcoming DDoS attacks is very significant.


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