Utilize communication feedback in search of knowledge charts

Document Type : Original Article


1 department of computer, islamic azad university of sanandaj

2 department of computer- Iran university of science &technology


The need for a software or a system in general that can store important information (which a person feels may be needed in the future) on a daily basis and provide this information to the person at the necessary time, It seems necessary and essential. In this article, an attempt is made to help humans by providing a system so that by fully storing information over time, whenever they need information (which they are unable to recall due to mental preoccupations), they can recall a part of it,Get all the information you need in full. In the proposed system, information is initially stored in a knowledge graph, this knowledge graph has connections between nodes, which return the best and most complete answer to the user due to the existence of these connections and using key search methods to be. On a daily basis, the user stores his important information, which he hears or reads and thinks he may need in the future, in this system, and when necessary, just by reminding him. A part of the information gets access to the whole information. On a daily basis, the user stores his important information, which he hears or reads and thinks he may need in the future, in this system, and when necessary, just by reminding him. A part of the information gets access to the whole information.


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