The Analysis and Simulation of Crypto-Trojan Attacks on RSA Key Generating Algorithms

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Researcher at the Center for Strategic and Future Science and Technology of ICT School and Research Institute of ICT at Imam Hossein University


In the past, encryption and its applications were used defensively and provided users with privacy, authentication, and security, but now hackers use crypto-malwares offensively to infiltrate and alter victims' data. Cryptovirology or malicious encryption is a different way of stealing information using a combination of one or more encryption methods and malwares, which launches an attack to ruin user data with a predetermined plan. Some crypto-malware attacks known as kleptography attacks are done using public key encryption. The purpose of this research, in addition to identifying new angles of computed kleptography and examining the new concepts presented in recent years, is to focus closely on backdoor attacks on RSA encryption key generating algorithms, and to study, review and analyze several correct and incorrect key generating algorithms. After calculating the complexity of the key production algorithms in theory, these algorithms are implemented and simulated using MATLAB software and the results are presented in comparative tables and graphs.


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