Challenges and Needs of Cyber Crime Prevention in Schools

Document Type : Original Article


1 PHD student, Department of Computer Engineering Yazd University

2 Department of Computer Engineering Yazd University


Today's technology, despite all its extensive benefits and services, has a rich potential to negatively impact the lives of children and adolescents. Cyberspace has led to the socialization of children and adolescents, but at the same time it has become a feature of curiosity and risk-taking, a space prone to commit crimes and specifically cybercrime. Of course, with the right education and safe monitoring tools, students can be informed and protected. By virtue of humanity and by virtue of social nature, man has unique characteristics and numerous strengths and weaknesses that have made him deserving of the support of others. This support is more important than any other stage from the beginning of life to the end of adolescence. In the meantime, the school is one of the most important supporters and guardians of children's and adolescents' education. In this article, by explaining the strengths and weaknesses of schools, sociability, sociability and anti-socialism of children, a review and new methods in using safe monitoring tools to control cybercrime in schools are presented. In addition to the use of monitoring tools, the proposed method emphasizes religious educational planning and uses the blockchain process to provide students with authentication in cyberspace. The high security of the blockchain process has been used to protect data against hacking attacks and to prevent identity fraud and data theft. The data is stored in a blockchain in a distributed manner and this process has been carried out with acceptable updates for 5380 schools located in Isfahan province and other users consisting of students and parents.


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